Catholic Charities • 314-367-5500
Many programs and services.
Crisis Nursery • 314-768-3201
Serves parents, with children up to age 12 in poverty without resources.
Dream Center • 4324 Margaretta Ave. 63115 • 314-381-0700
Call for information about shuttle pickups on Wednesdays from St Patrick Center and Horizon Club. Center is open for showers, necessities, coffee, pastries, lunch and haircuts. Showers, coffee and pastries on Sunday.
Homeless Hotline: 314-802-5444 (St. Louis Area) or 866-802-7155
This is an important phone number. Most (not all) of the shelters in town will tell you that you need to be referred by the Homeless Hotline, so you can save yourself some time by calling the above number or visiting their downtown location first. (800 North Tucker.)
Paraquad • 314-289-4200
Advocacy and programs to provide independence for people with disabilities.
St. Louis Empowerment Center • Depression Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) • 1908 Olive St. 63103 • 314-652-6100
Friendship Line: 866-525-1442
A drop-in center for mental health and substance abuse recovery self-help meetings. Open 365 days a year 9:00 am-3:00pm. Lunch daily. Many support groups, programs and employment classes.
St. Louis Youth Connection • 24 hour Help line: 314-628-2929 or 877-928-2929
Text: 4HLP to 31658 • Outreach, emergency housing, mental health and more.
St. Patrick Center • 800 North Tucker 63101 • 314-802-0700
The St. Patrick Partnership Center is a one-stop location downtown that offers more than 25 programs and 13 partner organizations, all in one place. Programs include: Direct Assistance (food, clothing, utilities, hot lunches, etc.); Referrals to Shelters; Rental and Mortgage Payment Assistance; Counseling; Tutoring and GED classes; Health and Dental Care through Grace Hill; Mental Health Services; Legal Services; Day Care; Life Skills, small business development, and more. Shamrock Club provides employment training, financial counseling, 12-Step and substance abuse counseling, (and meals).
Social Security Office (Downtown) • 717 N. 16th 63103 • 314-621-2704
Click here to find a shelter/resource location near you: or
United Way 2-1-1 • 877-427-4626
Counseling, education, employment, utility assistance, etc. Mainly referrals. Includes information on weather shelters. Contact United Way for locations of St. Vincent de Paul parishes that provide food, utility assistance, and many other services–as well as information about seasonal shelters.